Crate tss2_fapi_rs

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§TSS 2.0 FAPI Rust Wrapper

The tss2-fapi-rs Rust crate provides an interface to the TCG TSS 2.0 Feature API (FAPI).

Architectural overview:


The current version of the API does not offer any security or code safety guarantees. The implementation that is provided is suitable for exploratory testing and experimentation only. This test implementation does not offer any tangible security benefits and therefore is not suitable for use in production. Documentation pages may be incomplete and are subject to change without notice. Interfaces may change in such a way as to break compatibility with client code.

§Getting started

The following example illustrates how to use the TSS 2.0 FAPI in Rust:

use env_logger::Builder as EnvLogger;
use log::{error, info, warn, LevelFilter};
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use tss2_fapi_rs::FapiContext;

fn main() {
    // Initialize the logger

    // Create a new FAPI context
    info!("Creating FAPI context, please wait...");
    let mut context = match FapiContext::new() {
        Ok(fpai_ctx) => fpai_ctx,
        Err(error) => panic!("Failed to create context: {:?}", error),

    // Perform the provisioning, if it has not been done yet
    info!("Provisioning, please wait...");
    match context.provision(None, None, None) {
        Ok(_) => info!("Success."),
        Err(error) => warn!("Provisioning has failed: {:?}", error),

    // Generate random
    info!("Generating random data...");
    for _i in 0..8 {
        match context.get_random(NonZeroUsize::new(32).unwrap()) {
            Ok(random) => info!("Random data: {}", hex::encode(&random[..])),
            Err(error) => error!("get_random() failed: {:?}", error),

In this example, it is assumed that a valid FAPI configuration has already been set up on the target system.

Please see the FapiContext documentation for more details!

§Callback functions

Various use-cases of the FAPI require implementing and installing callback functions, for example:

use std::borrow::Cow;
use log::info;
use tss2_fapi_rs::{FapiContext, AuthCallback, AuthCallbackParam};

fn main() {
    // Create a new FAPI context
    let mut context = FapiContext::new().expect("Failed to create context!");

    // Set up "auth" callback function
    match context.set_auth_callback(AuthCallback::new(my_auth_func)) {
        Ok(_) => info!("Callback installed."),
        Err(error) => panic!("Failed to install callback: {:?}", error)

// Application-defined callback function
fn my_auth_func(param: AuthCallbackParam) -> Option<Cow<'static, str>> {
    info!("Auth value for {:?} requested!", param.object_path);
    Some(Cow::from("my password"))

§Usage instructions

In order to use the tss2-fapi-rs library in your Rust project, simply add it to your Cargo.toml file:

tss2-fapi-rs = "0.5.5"

Note: Please also consider the prerequisites that are required to use the tss2-fapi-rs library!


Optional features that can be enabled/disabled for the tss2-fapi-rs library:

lockingUse an R/W Lock to serialize the invocations of certain “critical” FAPI functions (default)
full_lockingSimilar to feature locking, but serializes all FAPI function invocations

§Build instructions

In order to build tss2-fapi-rs from the sources, run the following command in the project root directory:

$ cargo build --release

Alternatively, the provided Makefile, in the project root directory, may be invoked for building the library:

$ make build

Note: Please also consider the prerequisites that are required to build the tss2-fapi-rs library!

§Building with Docker

Building tss2-fapi-rs in the fully self-contained Docker environment (see below) has the advantage that the library can be built without the need to install any of the prerequisites – except for Docker and the Compose V2 plug-in – on the “host” system.

With Docker Compose V2 installed, simply run the following make command in the project root directory:

$ make


Some examples demonstrating how to use the tss2-fapi-rs library are provided in the examples sub-directory.

In order to build and run an example, simply run the following command in the project root directory:

$ cargo run --example <example_name>

Note: Please also consider the prerequisites that are required to use the tss2-fapi-rs library!


An example FAPI configuration is provided in the examples/data sub-directory. It can be applied as follows:

  • Copy the configuration files to the “home” directory:

    $ mkdir ~/my-fapi-config
    $ cp -r examples/data/* ~/my-fapi-config
  • Run the example with the desired FAPI configuration:

    $ TSS2_FAPICONF=~/my-fapi-config/fapi-config.json cargo run --example [...]


The following prerequisites are required for building or using the tss2-fapi-rs library:


The native libtss2‑fapi library, version 3.2.0 or later, and its associated header files must be available:

  • On Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy), Debian 12.0 (Bookworm) or later:

    • Install the TSS 2.0 FAPI library with the packet manager via the libtss2-dev package.
    • Furthermore, it may be necessary to additionally install the following transitive dependencies:
      uuid-dev, libjson-c-dev, libcrypt-dev and libcurl4-openssl-dev
  • On older OS versions or other platforms:

Note: By default, the native FAPI library is detected automatically, using the pkg-config utility. If the required metadata file tss2-fapi.pc can not be found, please set or update your PKG_CONFIG_PATH as needed! Alternatively, the location of the native FAPI library and its associated header files can be specified explicitly via the environment variables described below.

§C compiler

A working C compiler (cc) is required for Rust/Cargo to build some of the required dependencies.

On Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy), Debian 12.0 (Bookworm) or later, it can be installed via the build-essential package.


Rust’s bindgen tool requires that libclang is available on the system.

On Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy), Debian 12.0 (Bookworm) or later, it can be installed via the libclang-dev package.


The following environment variables may specify the location of the native FAPI library during the build process:

    Location of the TSS 2.0 header files. If specified, this path shall contain the tss2_fapi.h header file.
    This variable must be set in conjunction with TSS2_LIBRARY_PATH to be effective!

    Location of the TSS 2.0 library files. If specified, this path shall contain the file.
    This variable must be set in conjunction with TSS2_INCLUDE_PATH to be effective!

    Version of the TSS 2.0 library. If specified, the version string shall have the "major.minor.patch" format.

The following environment variables can be used to control the runtime behavior:

    On Linux/Unix systems, this can be set to control the location to load the native FAPI library from.


Integration tests for all the supported FAPI functions are provided in the tests sub-directory.

These tests also serve as additional usage examples for the respective functions.

In order to execute the integration tests, simply run the following command in the project root directory:

$ cargo test --release [<test_name>]

If a test name is not specified, then all available (non-ignored) tests will be executed.

Alternatively, the provided Makefile, in the project root directory, may be invoked for running the tests:

$ make tests
§Test Prerequisites

The integration tests require that a working TPM is available. Using a TPM emulator is recommended for testing!

§Software TPM Emulator

The Software TPM Emulator (SWTPM) created by Stefan Berger can be used testing purposes:

In order to use the SWTPM, the TCTI needs to be configured as follows, specifying the proper IP address and port number:

$ export FAPI_RS_TEST_TCTI="swtpm:host=<ip-address>,port=<port-number>"
§Docker Environment

A fully self-contained Docker Compose (V2) setup for running the tests, based on SWTPM, is provided at tools/docker.

The following prerequisites are required for using the Docker environment:

  • On Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) or later:

    • Docker Compose V2 can be installed via the docker-compose-v2 package.
  • On Debian 12.0 (Bookworm) or later:

With Docker Compose V2 installed, you can run the following make commands in the project root directory:

  • Runs the test suite completely in the Docker environment:

    $ make docker.tests
  • Starts just the SWTPM container, e.g. if you want to run cargo test natively:

    $ make docker.swtpm

As a more lightweight alternative to SWTPM, the integration tests may also be run using the libtpms library:

On Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble), Debian 12.0 (Bookworm) or later, libtpms can be installed via the libtpms-dev package.

In order to use the libtpms library, the TCTI needs to be configured as follows:

$ export FAPI_RS_TEST_TCTI="libtpms:tpm_state.dat"

Be aware that it is necessary to save the state to the filesystem by specifying a file name when using libtpms for testing!

With the libtpms installed, you can run the following make commands in the project root directory:

  • Runs the test suite by using libtpms as its TPM emulator:
    $ make libtpms

The following environment variables can be set as needed:

    The TCTI connection string to be used for testing. By default, swtpm:host=,port=2321 is used.
    See also:

    The FAPI profile to be used for testing. By default, RSA2048SHA256 is used. May be set to ECCP256SHA256.

    The number of times to repeat each test. Default is 3.

    Controls the logging level. Set to, for example, debug in order to enable additional logging outputs.

  • TSS2_LOG
    Controls the logging level of the underlying native TSS2 libraries. This can be set to all+none in order to silence all outputs from the native TSS2 libraries. It can also be set all+debug in order to enable some additional debug outputs.

    On Linux/Unix systems, this can be set to control the location to load the native library from. This is useful if you want to test with a “custom” build of tpm2-tss instead of using the version provided by the operating system.


The integration tests automatically create and use a temporary FAPI configuration. It is generated from the template at:

The FAPI profiles that are intended to be used by the integration tests are stored at:


  • Error message:

    pkg_config: Required library "tss2-fapi" not found!
    The system library `tss2-fapi` required by crate `tss2-fapi-rs` was not found.

    The native TSS 2.0 FAPI library, or one of its dependencies, can not be found by pkg-config. Please make sure that the required library and all of its dependencies are installed! If the tss2-fapi.pc resides at a non-standard location, set PKG_CONFIG_PATH accordingly. Also, the command pkg-config --libs tss2-fapi may be useful for debugging.

  • Error message:

    error: linker `cc` not found
    note: No such file or directory (os error 2)

    The C compiler could not be found. Please install a working C compiler (e.g. gcc or clang) and then try again.

  • Error message:

    error: failed to run custom build command for `tss2-fapi-rs`
    Unable to generate bindings: "fatal error: 'tss2_fapi.h' file not found"

    The header file for the native TSS 2.0 FAPI library is missing. Make sure that the native TSS 2.0 FAPI library and its header files are installed. If the tss2_fapi.h is installed at a non-standard location, set TSS2_INCLUDE_PATH as needed.
    Be aware that the “include” directory shall contain a sub-directory named tss2 containing the actual tss2_fapi.h file.

  • Error message:

    error: failed to run custom build command for `tss2-fapi-rs`
    Unable to generate bindings: "fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found"

    The C Standard Library header files can not be found. This usually indicates an incomplete/broken installation of the Clang compiler, as used by Rust’s bindgen tool. Can be fixed, e.g., by (re)installing the clang or libclang-dev package.

  • Error message:

    error: linking with `cc` failed: exit status: 1
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltss2-fapi: No such file or directory

    The native TSS 2.0 FAPI library is missing. Make sure that the native TSS 2.0 FAPI library is actually installed (or has been built from the sources). If the resides at a non-standard location, set TSS2_LIBRARY_PATH as needed.

  • Error message:

    error: failed to run custom build command for `tss2-fapi-rs`
    Unable to find libclang: "couldn't find any valid shared libraries matching ..."

    Indicates that Rust’s bindgen tool was unable to load the required Clang library. This is usually fixed, e.g., by installing the libclang-dev package. If the resides at a non-standard location, set LIBCLANG_PATH as needed.

  • Error message:

    error while loading shared libraries:
    cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    The native TSS 2.0 FAPI library could not be loaded at runtime. Make sure that the native TSS 2.0 FAPI library is actually installed, and that it is located in one of the directories where the dynamic linker/loader is looking for shared libraries. If the resides at a non-standard location, you may update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as needed.

  • Error message:

    Cannot connect to swtpm TPM socket
    Failed to create context: OtherError(IoError)
    Failed to connect to the software TPM! Is the software TPM running?
    Connection refused

    If this message appears at runtime, e.g. when trying to run the test cases, it indicates that the connection to the software TPM could not be established. Make sure that the software TPM is actually running and ready for incoming connections! One simple way to get a running software TPM is by using the Docker environment provided in the etc/docker/swtpm directory.

  • Error message:

    socket_connect() Failed to connect to host, port 2321:
    errno 99: Cannot assign requested address

    The native TSS 2.0 FAPI library was unable to connect to the software TPM. This error may occur, after some time, when too many TPM commands are sent to the software TPM at a high rate. There currently is no known solution, but a possible workaround is to simply slow down the sequence of TPM commands, e.g., by adding an artificial delay after each command. Furthermore, adding the disconnect option to the SWTPM --server parameter seems to attenuate the problem.

§Source Code

The tss2-fapi-rs source code can be found at the official GitHub repository:


For bug reports, feature requests, etc., please refer to the issue tracker at:

§Security Reporting

Security vulnerabilities should be emailed to all members of the MAINTAINERS file.


Copyright © 2024-2025 Fraunhofer SIT, sponsored by the ELISA and ProSeCA research projects.
All rights reserved.

This work is released under the 3-Clause BSD License (SPDX short identifier: BSD-3-Clause).




  • Returns the package version of the tss2-fapi-rs library.